Restoring Balance to Your Life

Maybe you’ve been frustrated with the traditional medical model that hasn’t resolved your health issues, or are con­cerned about the way overuse of medications or other invasive treatments are challenging your optimum health and well-being. Or maybe you simply can’t remember the last time you felt really well.

Whatever the general reason, you owe it to yourself to call Atlantic Chiropractic. We offer you more than just a treatment alternative to drugs and surgery; we can help you discover a personal lifetime of optimal natural health through a course of treatment based in solid science and holistic lifestyle changes that encourage your body’s own remarkable innate healing abilities.

The Science of Natural Inner Health

It’s an undisputed scientific fact that your nervous system is the primary “control center” for proper body function. Your brain sends and receives vital signals to and from your body cells via the spinal cord and spinal nerves. When the bones of your spinal column are correctly aligned, that flow of signals is free from obstruction and your body func­tions normally. However, when they become misaligned, the nerve flow is interrupted, which can eventually lead to pain, sickness and disease, and an overall decline in your quality of life.

It is an easy principle to understand. Try this simple test Grab your index finger and squeeze it tightly. Notice how the tip of it becomes discolored and uncomfortable? This profound impact of a blockage on your blood flow illus­trates the irritation your body experiences as a result of blocked nerve flow.

Adjustment to realign the spine to remove interferences, administered by a licensed doctor of chiropractic, is the safe, gentle and effective way to unlock your body’s natural healing power, and has been shown to have considerable, lasting health benefits. It involves no pills or scalpels but is instead a gentle progressive process of spinal adjustments that allow your body to keep itself healthy in the way in which nature and God intended. It also involves a commit­ment on your part to a more natural way of treating the cause of health problems versus the response to facilitate maximum health.

Your new life of wellness begins here…

Let Dr. Bodzioch show you how a new and different natural lifestyle will lead you to the level of peak health you’ve always wanted, but never dreamed possible. We offer a dynamic package of personalized care and support that ranges from individualized adjustments and diet counseling to ongoing health education…a gentle, natural approach that is perfect for every member of your family. Preventative treatment also saves on health care costs, and in many cases, is covered by insurance. Call us and start moving toward a new lifestyle today!

To Doctor Tim; Thanks for helping me with my golf, you are the greatest.
Your friend, Chi Chi.

-Chi Chi Rodriguez, Professional Golfer

I want to thank you for coming to Quidam while we were in Boston. It was a real treat to have a very time-efficient treatment between shows. The freedom If elt in my joints helped me to have smooth, almost effortless movement.
-HollyRollins, Quidam Artist, Cirque du Soleil